
Thank you for visiting our web site. When you are in our area, we hope to meet you in person. It would be an honor and a blessing for us to be a blessing to you.
We are an Independent Bible believing, Baptist Church. Our desire is to proclaim Salvation in Jesus Christ to our community, and live our lives according to His divine plan. We would invite you to experience, not a religion, but a relationship with Jesus Christ our savior. If you live in our area, we would love to have you join in the loving fellowship of this family of God at First Baptist Church.
You will find us to be common small town people from every walk of life united together to serve the one who hath called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light. We enjoy our Christian life, and hold strong to the eternal truths of the Bible. We do not follow after the cunningly devised fables and fads of modern Christianity. We have found that the King James Bible still works just fine, modesty and morality are not out dated, the old hymns of the faith are still good, and that God's plan for the family is still the best.